People all throughout the world utilize the Internet, which is a worldwide network. In terms of technology, the world is rapidly evolving and transitioning into an information network era. People's most recent creation to improve their lifestyles, the Internet, has developed to become a key source of communication. The internet serves as a platform for individuals to post, download, and share information, as well as sustain social engagement beyond geographical boundaries. Despite the internet, there are some negative consequences, such as interpersonal interactions (Monahan and Martin, 2005). Overuse of the internet may cause behavioral and health difficulties in some people. However, the good effects of the internet, on the other hand, are tremendous, including academic performance updated with the newest information, keeping updated with the latest information, and communication style.

To begin with, the internet has considerably aided students in the sphere of education. Students can complete their course from a variety of tutorial videos, lessons, slides, and information available on the internet. As a result, regular classes are not required. According to George (2018), the internet has evolved into a valuable learning resource for pupils. Instead of reading books, students can quickly educate themselves by connecting to the internet. Nowadays, college students prefer to obtain information from internet sources rather than from libraries or other types of resources. Students using the internet can simply re-learn lessons presented in class and complete research or assignments. Students can use the internet to communicate with their teachers and classmates. Furthermore, students can readily investigate new concepts and expand their knowledge by using the internet.

To summarize, the internet plays an important role in the educational system, acquiring information and meeting individual communication needs (Sigh and Pant, 2013). According to Shahibi (2017), if students use the internet effectively by not wasting time on things that aren't useful, they would significantly improve their academic achievement. keeping the student up to date on current research Students can use the internet to make their assignments and research easier and more presentable. Internet use benefits college students in terms of education by allowing them to communicate with classmates and teachers.
